::Below it is Hope::


Youkoso minna-san to our blog~ Errr They forced me to write a Welcome note and that’s all I can come up with @__@

Anyway, this blog is full of crack, fanfics, yuri goodness (manga/anime), Nana-samas, Yukarin, Nana-sama, YukaNana, Nana-sama, and Nana-sama’s leg 8D OH YEAH~! LEG SERVICE~! 8D

Okay please look around and leave a comment I’m begging you hahaha You could download stuffs too if there’s anything you can download  And yeah.. Hope you’ll enjoy your stay~ Gokigenyou~

KAPUU CHUU~!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Ranran Edit

Enjoy the legs~♥