::Below it is Hope::


Season’s Greetings~


Yo yo yo~!

Well I just want to greet my two amazing companions here “Happy Holidays!” and felt like making a greeting card or something, so I made that pic above instead, and greet all the people in the world, a season’s greetings too lol

Yeah.. I know you’re so speechless because my Nana-sama greeting card (supposedly) is soooo amazing and very artistic. Thank you, thank you very much >:D

I haven’t chatted with Deprenyan and Haruchi lately, so I thought I just make an entry on this amazing blog of ours (I’m not being sarcastic okay xD) and that I can post something here too hahaha I’m really a genius~ xD

And~ it’s my season’s present to you guys, Deprenyan and Haruchi, cause you guys are just simply amazing you deserve..  something~ :3 And I admit, it’s the only thing I could make uhuhuhuhu u__u gomen ne. But I do hope you like it.

Anyway, Happy Holidays guys~ and well.. yeah.. Merry Christmas to Haruchi~ I hope you’re wish will come true this Christmas :3 coughhimechwancough hahaha And have a great Saturday? This coming Saturday Deprenyan xD Hope you’ll enjoy your break~ coughstopoglingnanasama’spicalldaycough XD and I got something here.. I don’t know if you’ll like it though hahaha

Oh yeah! It was Shizuru Fujino’s birthday last December 19.

So Belated Happy Birthday Shizuru~ hahaha :3 Oh~ I just love her and Natsuki. Hope you (Shizuru) and Natsuki will have more years to come. XD P.S When will you (Shizuru) and Natsuki have some kids? lol ♥

And oh. I just want to add it here:

Kyaaaaaaaa~ ♥♥♥

I’m sorry..  I know this pic was taken ages ago already but I just can’t help it x3 They just look oh so lovely~ together here~ ♥ XD

And that’s all. Over and out.


Nyahaha~ Nyan Nyan Nyan~ ♥