::Below it is Hope::


Mitsu (Mio x Ritsu)

Hmm, this is my second post I guess? Oh well, Haru-chi here again~

Mitsu anyone? I’ll try making this post as harmless as possible. lol

So here’s goes *takes a deep breath*

Isn’t this so hot?! Hahaha. This is harmless right?

Well, I think most of you who’s going to read this knows what K-On! is(if not you should start watching it, trust me you won’t regret it!), K-On! is about five high school girls who joined the almost abolished club. At first, two childhood friends joined the club(one was forced to join), after that an ojou-sama joined the club, after her a girl who mistook the light music club as “light” music, and then a year passed one cute kohai joined.

That aside, with it being “all girls” certain Yuri couples were formed, namely YuiAzu and Mitsu. There are many hints throughout the story but most of the them are really subtle(unless you have Yuri goggles on) and some are just plain obvious. ESPECIALLYWINTERDAYSSEPISODE!*shot* okay okay need to calm down.

RITSUISOHOTWITHBANGSDOWN!*smashed to the floor by Elizabeth*

Oh right the first pic was drawn by Karuha while the second one was by Panya~ (they like teasing us Mitsu fans with their arts >.<)

There’s also a Yuri love triangle in K-On! namely, MioxRitsuxMugi(Mitsugi). I just can’t wait to read a fanfiction or doujin about it! I bet it’s going to be one heck of drama one~

Well then this ends my post, sorry if it was short. I got limited time to post this. >.< well then, gokigenyou~ Nyaha~